Tuesday 16 November 2010

Gross misrepresentation

You may have seen on the day or subsequent to publication an article in the Daily Mail suggesting I was wrongly claiming daily allowances by signing in to Parliament on the morning of Friday 12th November despite the fact I had a day of meetings to attend before I could leave for Wales.

I want to make clear that I work very hard with my staff to make any claims entirely transparent and in accordance with both the codes of conduct of the Parliament and what I believe is just. I do not and never will over-claim allowances or see paid expenses as a profit making opportunity.

The system in place has plenty of flaws.

I have issued a statement informing the press I am pursuing this matter. I do not accept the implications of what was reported in both the newspaper and by the programme which grossly misrepresented me as a politician and an individual.

The statement reads:

"I strongly refute the suggestion made by the Daily Mail on Saturday 13th November 2010 and by the Channel Four Dispatches programme on Monday 15th November 2010 to the effect that on Friday 12th November 2010 I claimed my daily allowance at the European parliament improperly. I am currently seeking legal advice on this matter."

1 comment:

  1. This is just another example of the mainstream media desperately nit picking to try and find any fault they can to rubbish UKIP. You have my trust and support all the way John.


    Tom Hirst
